1. RELAX. This one is the same every year. In case you didn't know, I'm a little high strung. Just a bit. Hah! I need to relax and go with the flow. I give myself headaches and stomach aches stressing about every little thing in my life and if I did less of that I'm sure my life would be better. But, it's a difficult thing to do for a type A personality to do. So, I'll do my best, but I have a feeling this resolution will be back again for 2012...
2. Get involved with theater. Yep. That's me in Little Shop of Horrors my freshman year in high school. Can I tell you how much I miss it? I did theater throughout high school and college and then I just quit. Well, by golly, the drama queen is back and she longs for the stage! (told you I was a drama queen)
3. Eat less dessert. This is going to be more difficult than any other year because I just happen to be a dessert writer for a magazine. Clever, right? But, I figure I will try to limit myself on the sugar front. I find that when I eat lots of sugar, I crave lots of sugar. So, if I don't eat quite as much... maybe I won't want to eat dessert after each meal. My hips will thank me.
4. Create more art. Even if I just do a little 5x5" painting/collage a day, I think that will be enough to satisfy my artistic urges. If I spent half the time I spend watching TV (more specifically The Real Housewives 0f...well...anywhere) creating artwork, I bet I would also make much more progress on resolution #1.
Happy new year, everyone!
~ Mari
~ Mari