Monday, October 20, 2008

"I Would Buy One!"

Our assignment (after making literally tons of gingerbread sheets) was to make cookies... any cookies from a formula in our text book. My group (Megan, Jeff, and I) had trouble choosing between peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. So, we made both.

They were quite easy to make... and were delicious. One woman in our class took a bite and said, "Oh... I would definitely buy these cookies." I thought that was a good compliment.
Did I mention they were HUGE? We use ice cream scoops to scoop out the batter onto the sheet pans... and I think we got the big scoops today. Either that or we were making them the size of our hunger. Never make cookies on an empty stomach.

So, it was an enjoyable day in the bakery. Good cookies, good times.

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