Thursday, April 8, 2010

38 Days

There's my mom...standing in the spot where Ryan and I will be standing in only 38 days (weather permitting, of course) and taking the plunge! :) I'm so excited! Everyone has RSVPed and I have a wedding shower planned for this weekend. Yahoo!
Also, I'm a member of the Offbeat Bride Tribe (the social network for the Offbeat Bride website) and they just featured a tutorial that I wrote on how to make a Twig Ball Bouquet! :) Check it out here!
Anywho, it rained all day (boo...), but I can't really complain because it's been gorgeous the last few days.
:) Mari


Claire said...

You don't know how badly I wish I could come to the wedding/shower/reception/anything else related to your wedding! Please send me lots of pictures and keep me updated on how the preparations are going! I miss you! Is this enough exclamation points for you!?

Mari Bland Smith said...

Awww... thanks friend! I love me some exclamation points! lol. I will send you pics and everything! Hope all is well!


! (hehe)