Sunday, April 25, 2010

April Garden Soiree

Ryan and I had our first couple's wedding shower/party - hosted by Marilyn Anderson. It was such a blast and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. They predicted rain all week... and then it was sunny, beautiful, and cool. Perfect weather for a garden party!

Look familiar? This is what I made the rosemary lemonade for! I also mixed it with some sweet tea and made "swamp water."

Did I mention we had a GARDEN soiree? And what a gorgeous garden to have it in! One day Ryan and I will have a yard like that... one day.... :)

The wedding is so close now! I can't believe it! I hope there's not a let-down afterward... I've been planning so much and putting so much of myself into getting ready for the actual event. I'm sure it will be great, though. I'm not worried. Even if it rains, we'll have a good time!
~ Mari

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