Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Lamb

Remember Thanksgiving and Jamie Oliver's lamb my dad and I made? We decided to try Rachel Ray's version for Easter (it just seemed right to eat lamb after seeing all the cartoon lambs all over the place...haha). And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Rachel's lamb was better than Jamie's. A LOT better. Like... "holy crap you need to make this for your next family par-tay" better.

herb-crusted leg o' lamb
It was soooo easy! Check out the recipe here. The coolest part? You wrap the whole thing in parchment paper, marinate it, and bake it for 3 hours - which creates the most moist, succulent, and flavorful lamb ever. Period.

While the lamb was marinating in it's little pouch (and the lemon, EVOO, and fresh herbs were permeating the meat), we all went out on Dad's boat for a little jaunt on Houston Lake. It was the perfect day to go - it was sunny, not sweltering, and no one was out!

The parents! :)
Rollin' down the River
(or lake, rather...)
Lily pads!
Soaking up some rays
Enough of the beautiful outdoors, right? Back to the meal...
After we baked it for 3 hours...
It's like opening an Easter present!
Ohhhh yeah...
I forgot to mention we did eat things other than lamb on Easter (lol): Mom's homemade tabbouli, sweet peas with sauteed shitake mushrooms, and fresh baked sourdough bread. Also- Rachel's recipe had a minty shallot sauce that one would serve with the lamb. I think I could have bathed in it. No joke.

I can't take this picture. I must look away.

I had to end on this picture. I'm literally laughing out loud right now at my father's face. :) I think it sums up the whole occasion! Happy eating, everyone!

~ Mari

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